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WAsP 12 Losses


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Good morning, 

I would like to gain a better understanding of the losses that WAsP takes into account. I know that there's the wake effect but what are the rest? And What models to you use to calculate them?

Thank you in advance 🙂

Lidia N


Hi Lidia, 

Here (https://www.wasp.dk/wasp/calculation-of-wind-farm-production), you will find information on how the Annual Energy Production (AEP) is calculated in WAsP:
Annual energy production + Wake losses —> Net annual energy production of entire wind farm
For further details about the wake model being utilized, please refer to this link: https://www.wasp.dk/wasp/wake-effect-model

If you need to calculate AEP that includes technical losses and uncertainty, you can utilize the Windfarm Assessment Tool (WAT) provided in the WAsP Bundle.
Learn more at: https://www.wasp.dk/wat/wataep.

Best regards, 

  • 7 months later...
On 31/08/2023 at 1:17 PM, Aikaterini Mitsakou said:

Hi Lidia, 

Here (https://www.wasp.dk/wasp/calculation-of-wind-farm-production), you will find information on how the Annual Energy Production (AEP) is calculated in WAsP:
Annual energy production + Wake losses —> Net annual energy production of entire wind farm
For further details about the wake model being utilized, please refer to this link: https://www.wasp.dk/wasp/wake-effect-model

If you need to calculate AEP that includes technical losses and uncertainty, you can utilize the Windfarm Assessment Tool (WAT) provided in the WAsP Bundle.
Learn more at: https://www.wasp.dk/wat/wataep.

Best regards, 

The WATAEP link is not working. Could you please update the link? I have the same issue.

Thanks and kind regards,


We rewrote the homepage, so the WAT AEP link is changed to https://www.wasp.dk/software/windfarm-assessment-tool/wataep. It does not explain that much about the models, but I once made some videos about this for DTU students

The latest WAT version enhanced the AEP model with an option for different uncertainties and technical losses for individual turbine groups, see Windfarm Assessment Tool version 4.7 released - WAsP


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