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How To Learn Using WAsP


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Hello everyone.

I have some knowledge about wind energy (I am an engineering student) but I do not know how to use WAsP. I need to learn WAsP for a project and I need some guidance.

I examined WAsP website a bit. I found good online English course but the price is 800€. I simply can not afford that as a student (by the way a wish from WAsP education team; you should consider some discount for students :)). I could not find any .pdf guide or something like that.

So I want to ask to experienced users; where should I begin? Is there any .pdf guide about using WAsP? Is WAsP's Help Documentation good enough to learn the WAsP from scratch? Do you have any suggestion?

Thanks a lot.
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Students at the Danish Technical University (DTU) can learn about WAsP in course 46200 Planning and Development of Wind Farms. This three-week 5 ETCS credit course is held each year in January and it covers the same topics as the WAsP course for wind-energy professionals - plus useful knowledge on wind project economics, grid connection, environmental impacts and IEC site assessments.

If you are not a DTU student and can't afford the online course, you should read the WAsP help file section called Quick Start Tutorial. It explains the WAsP user interface and demonstrates how to compose a WAsP project using sample input files installed on your PC together with WAsP. Be sure also to install the programs called WAsP Climate Analyst and WAsP Map Editor. These programs will help you when you need to prepare wind statistics and maps for your own projects in the file formats preferred by WAsP.

With best regards,
Morten Nielsen
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