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  1. Yesterday
  2. ... I saw, your second post. I am not sure what happened, but this error is probably related to the first one, and difficult to reproduce in the latter session.
  3. Hi Rainer, Thank you for reporting this. I assume that you are using the new WAT 4.7, and I also used this for testing. Your method is correct, and I don’t think you misunderstood anything. I can reproduce the first reported problem, where the map is placed outside the project tree. Furthermore, WAT gives error messages when I try to move it or delete it. This is clearly wrong and something which needs fixing. You wonder whether the error affects the results. The terrain elevation data are used for evaluation of terrain complexity and thereby the Cct factors and turbulence results. If the map is missing WAT will use the maximum Cct factor of 1.15. In my test, the misplaced map object does not affect the results at first, but when I select new turbine sites, WAT found the map object even though it was misplaced. Maybe you can use this as a temporary work-around, while waiting for an amended WAT version. To check the Cct used for the turbulence calculations you can look at Reports for selected turbine> Terrain complexity. I do not fully understand the second reported problem where you imported two sets of WAsP/WEng data and observed NaN values for effective turbulence results. Most likely the data were not imported correctly, but I you like me to check, then please send the resulting WAT project as an attachment of a mail to waspsupport@dtu.dk. You do not need to explain much, just refer to this discussion thread. Cheers, Morten
  4. update to the second point: Now it calculates the eff. TI. Don't know why, I changend nothing? Perhaps waiting one hour solved the problem 😉 The first problem is still there, the Grid Data disappears when adding site groups to WAT.
  5. Hi, I have problems with WAT: 1. when I 'prepare data for WAT' in WEng and open it directly in WAT, it opens and all is fine so far. But in the next step, when I prepare data for WAT for different sites/hubheights and save it in Excel and then import in in WAT (add more WAsP/WEng results), the Terrain Grid Data Object disappears and I just have the two sitegroups. There are Turbulence results in the result window, but I'm afraid that they don't consider the terrain height anymore? When I export the Terrain Grid Map from WEng and import it in WAT, it is shown outside the Project 'folder'. If I try to drag&drop it to the project, I get an error message (EAccess Violation occured...) 2. When I prepare both sites/heights as Excel files and try to import them in a blank WAT project, no effective Turbulence Ieff is calculated, it only shows 'NAN's in the Eff. turbulence table resp. the 'Ieff,site' column. Also there, I cannot add a terrain grid map to the project, see above. Am I missing something? How can I calculate the eff. Turb. Intensity when starting the WAT project from scratch? Best Regards, Rainer Cordsen
  6. Earlier
  7. Dear user, I am sorry but we do not support WAsP 11 or any other old software versions anymore. WAsP 11 was supported until one year after the release of WAsP 12 in December 2017. Therefore, an upgrade to the WAsP Bundle license (including WAsP 12, WAsP Engineering 4 and Windfarm Assessment Tool 4) is necessary in order to have support included with your license. You can learn more about what’s new in WAsP 12 here: https://www.wasp.dk/software/wasp/whats-new-in-wasp-12 You can order WAsP 12 here: https://www.wasp.dk/order Best regards, Katerina
  8. Mert sent us some WindPro and WAsP project files demonstrating these wake loss difference. Thanks for this, it is always easier to discuss possible problems when we have test data! My former DTU colleague Tobias Ahsbahs, now working for the WindPro developers at EMD, spotted that the Ct curve used in WAsP project was much lower that the Ct curve in the WindPro project. We all agreed that this must be the reason for the different wake loss predictions.
  9. I Been having problems with using WAsP within the resource, statgen and scaler in windPRO 4, I’m using a licenced WAsP 11.4 version, when I try to run anything related to WAsP keep saying “rvea0223 is not unlocked”. How can I fix that?
  10. Good afternoon. I write from Mexico. Please. Can somebody help me? I have a perpetual license for WAsP 11, but it stopped working properly. And they don't give me technical support. I need to install the program again. Can someone send me the link to install WAsP 11? Please.
  11. Morten

    WAsP 12 Losses

    We rewrote the homepage, so the WAT AEP link is changed to https://www.wasp.dk/software/windfarm-assessment-tool/wataep. It does not explain that much about the models, but I once made some videos about this for DTU students The latest WAT version enhanced the AEP model with an option for different uncertainties and technical losses for individual turbine groups, see Windfarm Assessment Tool version 4.7 released - WAsP
  12. Hi Mert, The implementation of the wake models in WAsP and WindPro are independent, so it is quite possible that the programmers made different choices. I made a third implementation in WAT and compared it with WAsP. The agreement was reasonable in flat terrain, but the differences were larger than expected in complex terrain. This must be because I handled speedup and deflection between the wind at the wake-shedding and wake-exposed turbine sites differently. Other reasons for model deviations could be the number of calculated wind directions within each wind sector the interpolation in the power and thrust-coefficient curves when looking up data for a speed-up corrected wind speed - especially near the cut-in wind speed possible air-density correction of the thrust-coefficient curve in WindPro? - we decided to ignore this in WAsP and WAT So you see, even though the PARK 2 model is really simple, there are undocumented details, which programmers might handle differently. Kind regards, Morten
  13. Mert

    WAsP 12 Losses

    Hello, The WATAEP link is not working. Could you please update the link? I have the same issue. Thanks and kind regards, Mert
  14. Hello all, We have one Windpro account which utilizes WAsP to calculate the energy production. Recently we have realized even tough we reach the same Gross Energy Production with using both Windpro and WAsP seperately , we are getting different wake loss values when doing the exact same wind energy assessment. All the information is exactly same for both softwares(height contours, roughness map, wind data, power curve, same Wake Model). I am suspicious regarding the wake models. In WindPro we have (N.O. Jensen (RISO/EMD) Park 2 2018 model, in WAsP it says PARK2. Do these have differences? Thanks and kind regards, Mert
  15. Hi Morten, I created a ticket using your link. Thank you so much for that. I would get support very soon from the team.
  16. Hi Morten, Thanks for your time. No, I am new here and want to fix the issue. I used the sample data from Wasp; for example, the sample of Italy used data from 1997 to 2002, which showed me the same issue. I emailed the WASP technical team about this issue, but they have not responded.
  17. I wonder whether Jins and Johnathan is the same person? Anyway, it is best to discuss technical issues like this via WAsP - Support.
  18. The short answer is no - WAsP does not present local wind climates in this form. WAsP prefers to use a Weibull distribution and frequency of occurrence for each sector. It is relatively easy to calculate bin frequencies from the Weibull parameters and I can send you the formula, if you like. WAsP wind statistics are available in the turbine site view - right-click the site and select show> wind for an example. It is also available in various reports and tools> utility scripts. Try to find a report or script which suits you - e.g. tools> utility scripts> custom windfarm output file - but beware that the precision (number of digits) often is less than ideal. If you need these matrices in a specific format for many projects, you may want a programed solution. There are several options: Get a PyWAsP license, see WAsP - PyWAsP. Create your own utility script. This requires visual basic programming skills and the typecasting can be tricky. It is usually better to tweak an existing script than to start from scratch. Read the data from the WAsP workspace file. This is actual a zip folder containing a file called inventory.xml, which has objects called <PredictedWindClimate>. Please note that the workspace file must be saved in a state where all calculations are valid.
  19. Hi Pravin, I have already answered you on the same message you sent through the support form. Best regards, Katerina
  20. Hello, Is it possible to export matrices of production per WTG, per wind direction and wind speed bins in WAsP? Many thanks for your support, Elie
  21. Just downloaded the latest Climate Analyst version with the WAsPSuite-2024-A- and everything works perfectly now. I would delete the post but it could be great for people to know that checking for the latest version could help about it.
  22. Dear Wasp team, I am posting here since this seems to be the most recent post about this kind of error. During data import on Climate Analyst 3.1 I get the following message: "It seems we were unable to the file structure for provided file". There's an error stated as: "Unable import file to WAsP Climate Analyst. No protocol could be generated for a file". I am, however, pretty sure I have alredy successfully used the same .txt file before, on the same software, with the same version but with another computer (presently I am using a dell i7 13th generation running Windows Pro 11). The file is just as following: date,wind speed,wind direction 2022-09-01 00:00:03,2.7,36.6 2022-09-01 00:10:03,2.3,28.8 2022-09-01 00:20:02,1.8,25.1 2022-09-01 00:30:03,1.3,26.3 2022-09-01 00:40:03,1.0,24.0 2022-09-01 00:50:03,1.1,20.7 2022-09-01 01:00:03,1.0,8.8 2022-09-01 01:10:03,1.2,356.4 2022-09-01 01:20:03,1.5,12.4 2022-09-01 01:30:03,1.4,10.3 2022-09-01 01:40:03,1.3,18.4 2022-09-01 01:50:03,1.4,345.9 2022-09-01 02:00:03,1.1,350.9 2022-09-01 02:10:03,1.4,5.3 2022-09-01 02:20:02,1.6,4.4 2022-09-01 02:30:03,1.5,0.5 2022-09-01 02:40:03,1.8,359.1 2022-09-01 02:50:03,1.8,351.9 2022-09-01 03:00:03,2.0,352.2 2022-09-01 03:10:03,1.7,356.9 2022-09-01 03:20:03,1.6,5.6 2022-09-01 03:30:03,1.5,356.3 2022-09-01 03:40:03,1.5,16.2 2022-09-01 03:50:03,1.2,24.1 2022-09-01 04:00:02,1.6,16.3 2022-09-01 04:10:03,1.5,19.1 2022-09-01 04:20:03,1.4,15.1 2022-09-01 04:30:03,1.5,5.5 Is it possible to know if it's something related to the format? Maybe some installation issue? Any clarification would be of great help. Thanks a lot!
  23. Hello, I was looking for information related to the limitation of roughness changes and found this topic. If it is not suitable, please advise me if I should open a new one, ok? I was wondering how WASP manages a "high resolution" roughness map with several roughness changes (more than 10 changes in a short distance). Does WASP do some rounding, resampling or down sampling in order to establish a maximum of 10 changes inside length/area of coverage it needs to consider for its calculation? Or it simply stops to consider the roughness when it "counts" the 10th change? Or, it does exactly what Rathmann was explaining above: it calculates "effective roughness values" which will be representative of some ranges in terms of distance. Then we would have maximum of 10 ranges (and 10 effective roughness values)? Thank you in advance, Guilherme.
  24. Hi, I was extracting icing related variables for a single point. I realised that the icing related variables are not available anymore (which available a few days back). How I can those variables along with standard mesoscale variables?
  25. I am not sure, but this might have something to do with the map projection. More details in my answer in the WAsP support system.
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