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a spatial resolution in GWA and GASP

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Dear Team, 

based on the Information available from: https://globalwindatlas.info/en/about/introduction, a grid spacing of 250m for microscale mode was generated.

this was double-checked in the report: Larsén, X. G., Davis, N., Hannesdóttir, Á., Kelly, M., Olsen, B., Floors, R., Nielsen, M., & Imberger, M. (2021).
Calculation of Global Atlas of Siting Parameters. DTU Wind Energy. DTU Wind Energy E No. E-Report-0208

however, the report: The Global Atlas for Siting Parameters project: Extreme wind, turbulence, and turbine classes - Larsén - 2022 - Wind Energy - Wiley Online Library shows at a 275m resolution.

could you pleaes clarify which one is the correct resolution?

if I misunderstood something, could you please advise me?




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Hi Gyeongil,

Sorry for the confusion. The answer is that technically both are correct and neither is correct. Both the GWA and GASP were run on UTM projections with a 250m grid spacing. However, to make the global map, these were interpolated to a lat/lon map projection with a grid spacing of 0.0025 grid spacing. This has then often been presented as a 250m grid spacing, using the approximation of 100 km per degree. However, for the GASP paper it was decided to use the more accurate 111 km per degree, which would then come to 277.5m, which we rounded to 275. Of course, both the 275 and 250m resolutions only apply to longitude near the equator.

Hope this helps.

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