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Everything posted by Juan

  1. I have a problem creating reports with WENG2/3 using ms excel and ms word. As soon I would like to create a report, a error pops up, saying Word is not installed. (same with excel) I dont have any problems creating reports using WASP. - any idea? thanks in advance!
  2. Thank you for replying so quickly. You are right we are still using version 9.xx I will speak with my administrator if I can install the newer version. I hope this solves the problem. I've already invested to much time on this issue because Google Earth has a bug as well if you install the english version on a OS with germane language settings.
  3. Hi there, I haven't used WASP for so long. When I transfer the projection from LAT-LONG WSG84 to UTM 34 I get wrong values for the Coordinates. e.g. N -33.400002° becomes N -3699083.5m the correct value would be 6220000m S I guess the mistake is that I can't change the hemisphere in Wasp and Wasp try to refer my values to the northern hemisphere. Would be nice if somebody could give me a hint. Best Regards, Juan
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