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Nils Joseph Gaukroger

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Everything posted by Nils Joseph Gaukroger

  1. Hi Rogier, Thanks for the quick reply, that's working for me too now 🙂 Just wanted to point out also that: The same thing appears to happen with bwc_to_tabfile(), i.e. # Create .tab file from binned wind climate windkit.binned_wind_climate.bwc_to_tabfile( bwc, path="C:/Users/nga/OneDrive - Equinor/Documents/Projects/TAB_files/test.tab" ) works fine, but # Create .tab file from binned wind climate windkit.binned_wind_climate.bwc_to_tabfile( bwc=bwc, path="C:/Users/nga/OneDrive - Equinor/Documents/Projects/TAB_files/test.tab" ) gives me the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\nga\OneDrive - Equinor\Documents\Projects\TAB_files\tab_files.py", line 35, in <module> windkit.binned_wind_climate.bwc_to_tabfile( File "C:\Appl\venv\wind\lib\site-packages\windkit\binned_wind_climate.py", line 112, in wv_count_to_bwc obj = args[0] IndexError: tuple index out of range and 2. I was following the WindKit API when I omitted the path, assuming it would be set to the current working directory, and that appears to work fine too. It just writes a file called 'bwc.tab' to the current working directory if you use: # Create .tab file from binned wind climate windkit.binned_wind_climate.bwc_to_tabfile( bwc )
  2. Hi! I am trying to use WindKit to create a .tab file via a binned wind climate. However, I get an error when I try and run the code. The minimum working example is: import windkit import pandas as pd import numpy as np import random import xarray as xr # Function to make dummy dataframe def dummy_df(size): df = pd.DataFrame(zip([random.uniform(0, 25) for i in range(size)], [random.uniform(0, 360) for i in range(size)]), index=pd.date_range("01-01-2023 00:00:00", periods=size, freq="10T"), columns=['wind_speed', 'wind_direction']) df.index.name = 'time' df = np.round(df, 2) return df # Dummy pandas dataframe DF = dummy_df(144) # Dataframe to xarray dataset DS = xr.Dataset.from_dataframe(DF) # Assign coords to dataset DS = DS.assign_coords({"west_east":0,"south_north":0,"height":90.0}) # Add CRS to dataset windkit.add_crs(DS, 4326) # Create binned wind cliamte from timeseries bwc = windkit.bwc_from_timeseries( ts=DS ) # Create .tab file from binned wind climate windkit.binned_wind_climate.bwc_to_tabfile( bwc=bwc ) And I get the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Appl\venv\lib\site-packages\spyder_kernels\py3compat.py", line 356, in compat_exec exec(code, globals, locals) File "c:\users\nga\onedrive - equinor\documents\tab_files.py", line 30, in <module> bwc = windkit.bwc_from_timeseries( File "C:\Appl\venv\lib\site-packages\windkit\_validate.py", line 66, in validate obj = args[0] IndexError: tuple index out of range Any advice on where I might be going wrong? Thanks in advance, Nils
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