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Everything posted by Alexandre

  1. Hi Lidia WAsP uses geographical north direction. Read more about it at WAsP help, look for "Reference directions". Regards Alex
  2. Hello Shehan You probably need a tool to combine 200+ wind atlases into one wind atlas. If you need DTU Wind to develop this application please contact our consultancy services.
  3. Hello Shehan If you have LIB files for each "point" you can use the LIB interpolator tool in order to generate one wind atlas (LIB) for the entire region. In this tool you may prescribe your own weighting function or use the automatic weightings applied by the LIB Interpolator. The interpolated LIB file can be imported into WAsP and used like a normal wind atlas. Please read the LIB Interpolator help file for more information.
  4. Explaining IBZ + dRIX correction procedure: From Predicted Climate at Mast position we obtain the following parameters: U also called U(IBZ) in the exercise RIX dRIX Using the dRIX we obtain a prediction error, P, from the provided graph (in the exercise). We apply the dRIX correction with expression: U(RIX) = U(IBZ) / (P+1) Example: prediction of Mast 10 from Mast 6 U(IBZ) = 4.63 RIX = 13,4 dRIX = -20 P = ~21% U(RIX) = 5.86 Regards Alexandre
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