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  1. Thank you very much I publish my code for importing turbines locations from a file, if it can be useful to someone. turbinespath="C:\Users\hdse\Desktop\test.txt" Set Project = ReportingAssistant.SelectedHierarchyMember Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set strData = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C:\Users\hdse\Desktop\test.txt") Dim oRE : Set oRE = New RegExp oRE.Global = True oRE.Pattern = "\w+" Dim arrFileLines() i=0 Do Until strData.AtEndOfStream ReDim Preserve arrFileLines(i) arrFileLines(i) = strData.ReadLine Dim oMTS : Set oMTS = oRE.Execute(arrFileLines(i)) Set Member = WindFarm.AsIHierarchyMember.Insertions.New.ByClassID(ehmcTurbineSite).Execute Set TurbineSite = ReportingAssistant.TypeCaster.CastMemberToTurbineSite(Member) TurbineSite.Description = oMTS(0) TurbineSite.HubHeightAgl = Generator.DefaultHeight Call TurbineSite.AsIWaspSite.Move(oMTS(1), oMTS(2)) i = i + 1 Loop
  2. Thank you very much, it helped a lot. However, I don't know why the following is not working. I want to create a Wind Farm and add wind turbine locations from a .txt file turbinespath="C:\Users\hdse\Desktop\d300D900\test.txt" Set Project = ReportingAssistant.SelectedHierarchyMember ' Insert a Wind Farm Set Member = Project.Insertions.New.ByClassID(ehmcTurbineSiteGroup).Execute Set WindFarm = ReportingAssistant.TypeCaster.CastMemberToWindFarm(Member) ' Insert the Turbine Sites Set Member = WindFarm.AsIHierarchyMember.Insertions.FromFile.ByClassID(ehmcTurbineSite).Execute(turbinespath, Nothing) Set TurbineSites = ReportingAssistant.TypeCaster.CastMemberToTurbineSite(Member) The Wind Farm is created but the importing of the site locations is not working. The error is: Script control reported the error: Object required: 'ByClassID(...)' I also tried to insert a generator in the wind farm like this: generatorpath="C:\ProgramData\WAsP\WAsP11\Wind turbine generators\Vestas V112-3.0 MW" ' Insert a Wind Farm Set Member = Project.Insertions.New.ByClassID(ehmcTurbineSiteGroup).Execute Set WindFarm = ReportingAssistant.TypeCaster.CastMemberToWindFarm(Member) ' Insert a generator Set Member = WindFarm.AsIhierarchyMember.Insertions.FromFile.ByClassID(ehmcWindTurbineGenerator).Execute(generatorpath, Nothing) Set Generator = ReportingAssistant.TypeCaster.CastMemberToWindTurbineGenerator(Member) and it says: Script control reported the error: could not insert a Wind turbine generator to the hierarchy Thank you for your help !
  3. Hello, I am writing a script in order to automatize the manipulation of the workspace. In this context I want, to start with, to import a vector map and an observed wind climate. My code is the following: mappath="C:\Users\hdse\Documents\sea.map" owcpath="C:\Users\hdse\Documents\Portugal.owc" Set Project = ReportingAssistant.SelectedHierarchyMember Set Cluster = Project.Insertions.New.ByClassID(ehmcTurbineSiteGroup).Execute Set hmOwc = Project.Insertions.FromFile.ByClassID(ehmcObservedWindClimate).Execute(owcpath, Nothing) Set MapSea = Project.Insertions.FromFile.ByClassID(ehmcVectorMap).Execute(mappath,Nothing) The turbine site group is created successfully, but I have this error: Script control reported the error: Object required: 'Project.Insertions.FromFile.ByClassID(...)' The last execution line attempt was for an unknown line number. Script: 'essai1', version: 11.01.0001 The problem is coming from the file insertion, but I could`nt find the mistake. I hope you will be able to help me Thank you !
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