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Everything posted by vob

  1. Thanks, Matti, for your quick response. Unfortunately, even CA3 does not seem to be the thing I am looking for, as it still seems to require several manual steps to open and select each of the required files and start the TAB/owc generation. If you have to do that 12 or more data files in a row you quickly start to loose concentration and make errors... That's why I'm still loking for a script based solution, which then can either loop through the files in a particular directory or reads the file names from a list. I really appreciate your offer to set up a sample VBA script to be used from Excel. Unfortunately I made a typo in my first posting: it should have read VBS instead of VBA - I don't have a developer's license, so your proposed Excel VBA script will probably not be able to call the OWC, will it? But if there's a way to start the OWC via VBS I would be grateful for some hints how to set this up properly. Thanks!
  2. Hi, is there a way to get from WAsP the wind speed (or the wind speed deficit) at each turbine position in a wind farm? The wake model should calculate the actual wind speed depending on the wind direction and the resulting wakes at each turbine position. So, for each turbine position there should be a matrix of wind speeds given the wind speed and direction of the free wind. The question is if this information is calculated only internally during a wind farm caclulation or if this can be also extracted and exported for other uses? Thanks and best regards
  3. Hi, I'd like to know if there's a way to automize calls to the OWC wizard. I frequently have to create TAB files for monthly time series, and generating these by clicking through the OWC wizard 12 times in a row is really annoying. Importing all 12 files into the Climate Analyst and then generating results and exporting the result for each of these 12 data sets individually is no less tedious. I'd really appreciate if there were a way to call the OWC wizard via a VBA script or similar from Wasp (preferred), or to manage the import and result generation in the Climate Analyst. Or is there any other tool that can be used instead to generate TAB files in an automatic way, perhaps directly from a Windows batch file? Thanks in advance!
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