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Posts posted by Gururaj

  1. Hi Mark, 

    I use the latest release of WAsP suite released version 2022. I am able to download the GWA MAP Warehouse Elevation, GWA MAP Warehouse Roughness & GWA MAP Warehouse LandCover for a respective site thorugh WAsP Map Editor 12.4. Also, I see that in the landcover.gml file,  displacement data has also been included in it. I am trying to merge landcover.gml layer with elevation.gml file for the wind assessment, but I am finding it hard to save both the layers to  file format which i can later use in the WAsP 12. 

    I am able to merge the elevation and roughness layers together but i look for merging elevation layer with landcover layer.

    Can you suggest a way to resolve this issue.


    Best Regards,


  2. Hi Rogier,

    Thank you very much for the clear instructions. I could successfuly create the elevation map file with the above instruction for my desired site.

    I am concerned about the displacement height. If I have a wind farm at the mountain ridge and I have forest all along the slope of the mountain ridges. Does the concept of displacement height still apply? Also, Will the dispalcement height (if it applies) be automatically added as per the instruction in QGIS_GML (helper scripts) at the end or do I need to manually calculate and specify in the landcover table for a close location to the wind farm using the ID's ? 

    If it's manual, can I use the forest canopy height value suggested by the website (https://glad.earthengine.app/view/global-forest-canopy-height-2019)  and take a mean height value for the forset around the wind farm as the input parameter to find the displacement height and roughness length (displacement = (2/3)*tree height and roughness = 0.1*tree height ?

    Is it necessary that i need to edit the roughness length values ? since i get the roughness length values autogenerated from the CORINE database? Will it imapct significantly in the Wind resource assessment ?


    Your guidance would be really appreciated. 

    Thank you very much for your time,

    Best Regards,


  3. Hi Mark, 

    Sorry for the late response. I have pasted the error i get in a dialog box below when i try to import the .hgt file i download from the SRTM website i mentioned above.

    WspMapEd12_4Frm.FileOpenGridMapsClick: Access violation at address 0040C08C in module WASPMapEditor12_4.exe. Read of address 60B60B5D.

    Thank you,

  4. Hi, 

    I have recently started to use WAsP software. I see that in the example site assessment like Forssa,, the map has varying contour intervals. Also, I read accross a document that, the rule of thumb followed is : contour interval should be small (≤ 10 m) close to calculation sites, whereas the contour interval can be larger further away from these sites (≥ 10 m). But I am unaware how to get different intervals in the same map. 

    Any guidance on the above topic would be very helpful. 


    Best Regards,


  5. Hi Rogier, 

    Do you also have any some experimental helper scripts for creating the orography layer for WAsP in QGIS? With the latest version of WAsP map editor i am unable to import the SRTM elevation data format .hgt (https://dwtkns.com/srtm30m/) into the map editor for contouring nor i am able to readily download the data from the GWA warehouse because of the URL issue. I would like to have a WAsP GML layer for orography,  in the similar process as you have done it for landcover. 

    Please suggest me a better way to obtain the orography layer for the site assessment. 

  6. Hi, 

    I updated the WAsP suite to the latest release as of 2022. I see that i no longer can import the SRTM .hgt file into the map editor. The steps i followed in the previous version is 

    File -> Import -> Grid-Maps, but now i see that additonal 3 options have been provided after the Grid-Maps option, i.e,  orographic grid-maps , Roughness grid-maps & LandCover grid-maps. I get an error message independent of the option i choose. Please help me resolve the issue.

    I am trying to import the elevation data from the webiste https://dwtkns.com/srtm30m/

    Best Regards,


  7. 25 minutes ago, Rogier said:

    Hi Gururaj,

    My best guess is that you didn't unpack the file CORINE.gpkg from the ZIP file. That also has to be in the script directory as explained on page 2. 



    Hi Rogier,

    Thank you so much for your response. There was an issue with the folder path. I could successfully create the .gml file. But when i try to read import the .gml file in WAsP. it gives this error 

    Exception report produced at 2022-01-04 12:01:42

    There is no child element with name: "wasp-chg:AerodynamicalRoughnessLength raised at: 2022-01-04 12:01:37
        2022-01-04 12:01:37: Exception raised in: Rvea0254:cVectorMapGmlFilter:GetFirstImmediateChildElementOfName
        2022-01-04 12:01:37: Message added: Could not restore a map from GML file
        2022-01-04 12:01:37: Exception raised in: Rvea0254:cVectorMapGmlFilter:RestoreMapFromFile
        2022-01-04 12:01:37: Message added: Could not restore the map from file
        2022-01-04 12:01:37: Exception raised in: Rvea0254:cVectorMap:RestoreFromFile
        2022-01-04 12:01:37: Message added: Failed to restore map instance
        2022-01-04 12:01:37: Exception raised in: Rvea0254:VectorMapClass:RestoreInstanceFromFile
        2022-01-04 12:01:37: Message added: Could not open a vector map from data file
        2022-01-04 12:01:37: Exception raised in: Rvea0334:cVectorMap:OpenDataFile
        2022-01-04 12:01:37: Message added: Could not insert a Vector map from file 'pk' to the hierarchy
        2022-01-04 12:01:37: Exception raised in: Rvea0334:cHierarchyInsertionFromFile:InsertFromFile
        2022-01-04 12:01:37: Message added: There was a problem with the insertion
        2022-01-04 12:01:37: Exception raised in: WAsP:cWorkspaceController:ExecuteHierarchyInsertion
        2022-01-04 12:01:37: Message added: The insertion was not successfully completed
        2022-01-04 12:01:37: Exception raised in: WAsP:cMemberPopupMenuMediator:ProcessInsertionFromMenu
        Latest thread started in: Wiab0001:fInteractionPointQuestion:Form_QueryUnload


    I also tried to open the file in WAsP map editor with the options "file -> Open WAsp GML". Even there it reads out error. I could exactly follow all the steps till the end except the reading the file in WAsP software. Please guide me further to resolve the issue

    Thank you for your time.



  8. Hi Neil,

    I am unable to extract any information from the downloaded .tif file (AEP). I just double click the file to read it . Is there any other option / software to open the file. I select a region in rectanglar form as a bouding box. Even then i see no information in the file.  Please correct my understanding.

  9. On 30/11/2021 at 2:39 PM, Rogier said:

    Hi Antonio,

    There is some experimental helper scripts in the free software QGIS attached. You can unzip these file per the instructions in the attached document and then look for a script called 'Polygons to roughness lines'. The instructions attached are for a new release of WAsP that can deal with displacement height, but if you are dealing with roughness length you only need the 'z0' field. So to save a WAsP .map file you will need to use the script 'Save WAsP roughness layer' instead of the 'Save WAsP landcover layer' that is described in the document.


    QGIS_GML.pdf 5 MB · 4 downloads QGIS_WAsP_scripts.zip 39 kB · 4 downloads

    Hi Antonio, 

    I thank you for your very clear explanantion in the document provided. But i face an issue when i try to extract the roughness infomation to my buffered sqaure cut out. When i hit run for the processing, i get this error in the log box stating

    CRS is EPSG:3857

    Clipping to Input Polygon...

    Results: {'OUTPUT': 'Buffered_926a48a4_1e94_4c2e_860c_b8148151f2da'}

    Clipping to bounding box...

    Results: {'OUTPUT': 'Clipped_9c48318d_1528_497d_a078_00adafb7ec47'}

    Clipping to Input Polygon...

    Results: {'OUTPUT': 'Reprojected_3457eeea_60a7_4089_9aea_410a0a3ef6f8'}

    Joining CORINE roughness table

    Invalid join fields

    Execution failed after 0.79 seconds


    for your reference the steps i am stuck at comes in page 7 of your document. Can you please help me resolve the issue. I am looking for location 

     UTM WGS 84 Zone 34 - 505655.34 E, 4458722.16 N



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