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Neil Davis

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Posts posted by Neil Davis

  1. The issue is that the time-series data is a raster in the projected space, but not in the lat/lon space. Therefore, the XLAT/XLON have to be two-dimensional, as the values at each point depends on both the x and y dimensions.

    The approach from David above will give you a non-raster dataset in the new projection. If you want to get a raster back in the new projection, you can use the Windkit tool we have developed, which will "warp" the data from one projection to another, keeping the grid spacing approximately the same. When warping, you will be performing an interpolation, nearest neighbor by default.

    import windkit as wk
    import xarray as xr
    ds = xr.open_dataset("mesotimeseries-Area 2.nc")
    ds_warped = wk.spatial.warp(ds, 3035)
  2. We have released new versions of PyWAsP and Windkit.

    Both versions include breaking changes, but only a small number.

    The highlights of Windkit include improved interpolation routines, several improvements to the map conversion tools to create polygon data from your roughness line maps, and additional derived fields for weibull wind climates. Full release notes can be found at: https://docs.wasp.dk/windkit/release_notes.html#id1

    For PyWAsP the hightlights include a bugfix to the license manager on Windows, so now this should work correctly. We have also updated the dependencies, and aim to follow the SPEC-0 versions of our Scientific Python dependencies. This means that Python 3.10 is the oldest version of Python supported with this release. You can now use WAsP CFD results files for estimating your predicted wind climate, and we have improved the performance of the AEP calculator. Full release notes are found at: https://docs.wasp.dk/pywasp/release_notes.html#id1

  3. I think the issue is that the library you are using is quite old and only supports TLSv1. We have recently disabled TLSv1 and TLSv2. There is also a space between 2018 and -12 in the dt_stop variable of the URL you pasted above.


    Here is a script using python3 that I used to download and save the file to a named temporary file.


    from urllib.request import urlopen
    from shutil import copyfileobj
    from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
    url = 'https://wps.neweuropeanwindatlas.eu/api/mesoscale-ts/v1/get-data-point?latitude=53.800651&longitude=3.955078&variable=WD10&variable=WS10&dt_start=2018-12-20T00:00:00&dt_stop=2018-12-31T23:30:00'
    with urlopen(url) as fsrc, NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as fdst:
        copyfileobj(fsrc, fdst)


  4. Hi Gyeongil,

    Sorry for the confusion. The answer is that technically both are correct and neither is correct. Both the GWA and GASP were run on UTM projections with a 250m grid spacing. However, to make the global map, these were interpolated to a lat/lon map projection with a grid spacing of 0.0025 grid spacing. This has then often been presented as a 250m grid spacing, using the approximation of 100 km per degree. However, for the GASP paper it was decided to use the more accurate 111 km per degree, which would then come to 277.5m, which we rounded to 275. Of course, both the 275 and 250m resolutions only apply to longitude near the equator.

    Hope this helps.

  5. We have released new versions of PyWAsP and Windkit.


    The highlights of Windkit include further improvment to the writing of wrg/rsf files,  the ability to read polygon based landcover features, and enhanced the bounding box object. Full release notes can be found at: https://docs.wasp.dk/windkit/release_notes.html#id1

    For PyWAsP the hightlights include a bugfix to the gross_aep calculator, where previously all turbines were assumed to be stall regulated when performing air density adjustments. Now you need to define a variable `regulation_type` on you wind turbine variables, which ensure the correct air density adjustment is applied. Full release notes are found at: https://docs.wasp.dk/pywasp/release_notes.html#id1

  6. Hi,

    Sorry for this error. The issue is that by default elevation is not included in the result from `get_wasp_down`, but is required for creating the RSF.

    The easiest fix would be to set the argument `return_site_factors` to `True` in the call to `get_wasp_down`, this will include all of the site effects in the `pwc_rsf` variable. Alternatively, you could just copy the elevation like `pwc_rsf["elevation"] = site_effects["elevation"]`

  7. Hmm good to know about Jupyter lab, will take a look at that as well to see if it is the same issue as the REPL. We haven't advanced past the notebook interface yet 🙂

    Glad to hear that the package is so helpful. We have already started discussing an interface for helping convert pandas based timeseries to our xarray time-series format, so hopefully this workflow will be easier in the future.

  8. Hi Andrea,

    We don't have a pandas to bwc, but we have an XArray Time-series dataset to bwc converter. You can find the docs for that at: https://docs-wasp.ramtt.xyz/windkit/io/wc_autogen/windkit.binned_wind_climate.bwc_from_timeseries.html#windkit.binned_wind_climate.bwc_from_timeseries


    It would be interesting to know the structure of the pandas data that you have, as we are looking to add more functionality to the time-series handling this year, and creating an XArray tswc from pandas is probably something that would be good for us to support.

  9. Hi

    We are aware of some performance issues. We are currently focusing on processing the remaining 20 years of NEWA data, and then will revisit performance. For now, it seems that best performance is found when downloading data in 6-month intervals, as this matches best with the resources on the server.

    You have the correct URL. I am not sure why data would be provided with some data missing, as it should either succeed or fail. Could you provide a list of the variables that you are using so that I can do some testing? I will be on holiday starting Wed, so won't get a chance to look until the new year unfortunately.

  10. On 03/01/2022 at 6:19 PM, Gururaj said:

    Hi Neil,

    I am unable to extract any information from the downloaded .tif file (AEP). I just double click the file to read it . Is there any other option / software to open the file. I select a region in rectanglar form as a bouding box. Even then i see no information in the file.  Please correct my understanding.

    Hi Gururaj,

    We have had a lot of success with Q-GIS, which is an open source GIS software.

  11. We have recently have a number of questions about empty GeoTiff files from the energy yield calculation. In most of those cases it has related to using a polygon for the area being calculated rather than a rectangle. We are discussing ways to fix this internally, but for now if you make your request a rectangle you should be able to get results for your region.

  12. We have an API that converts a GeoJSON polygon bounding box to the indices used in the OpenDAP queries used to download of the mesoscale time-series. The query will return an XML file that has a complex data element, which contains the indices for the west_east and south_north dimensions. This can then be substituted into the download.


    Additionally, several users have asked about using the OpenDAP service with Python. We have used XArray for this purpose, using a command like below:

    ds = xr.open_dataset("http://opendap.neweuropeanwindatlas.eu/opendap/newa/NEWA_MESOSCALE_ATLAS/2015/NEWA-2015-12-30.nc?WS[0:1:47][2:2][674:1:674][628:1:628],WD[0:1:47][2:2][674:1:674][628:1:628],time[0:1:47],height[2:2],west_east[628:1:628],south_north[674:1:674],XLON[674:1:674][628:1:628],XLAT[674:1:674][628:1:628],Times[0:1:47],crs")


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