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Posts posted by fabienfarella

  1. Hi WAsP Team!
    I would like to compare the results of WAsP-CFD with another CFD software. For this, I intend to use the speedups as found in the files Angle_*_a_*m.grd. I could already compare the Inclination and DirectionDeflection grids, but face some problems comparing TurbulenceIntensity and SpeedUp.
    The procedure would be to transform those speedups to actual wind speeds at certain heights (as I can obtain with my other CFD model).
    As I understand, the speedups are defined relative to a logarithmic profile with 10m/s at height=10m. Given the far-field MesoscaleRoughnessLength found in TerrainAnalysisResultsManifest.xml, one should be able to calculate the friction velocity u* = (10 m/s) * 0.4/ ln (10m/MesoscaleRoughnessLength).
    And then, convert each file Angle_*_a_*m.grd by taking for each direction the relevant MesoscaleRoughnessLength and foar each height the relevant scaling parameter (derived from u*)
    U(z) = (1/0.4). u*(direction, MesoscaleRoughnessLength) * ln(z/ MesoscaleRoughnessLength) with z varying for each grd file. However, doing so, I find quiet unexpected results. So my question is?
    - What is the reference speed used to convert actual windspeeds to speed-up factors for a given tuple (direction, height)? Is the logarithmic profile procedure described above correct, or am I miising something?

    Regards Fabien ;)
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