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  2. No these data have unfortunately "passed away" with our file server being closed. Which specific files do you need? We might still have them but it will be a manual process.
  3. Yesterday
  4. The Windows packages of PyWAsP 0.7 have been uploaded to our conda channel.
  5. Last week
  6. Dear team, i am trying to use WAsP for south African projects and found out many data is already available from webpage: https://wasadata.csir.co.za/. in the section "WASA Observational Wind Atlas" there are links to DTU servers but it seems not working anymore. // The following files are not yet available on the local server, but can be downloaded from the DTU server Observed wind climate (OWC) Generalised wind climates (GWC) WAsP analysis of WASA stations (WWH) // Are those data still available from DTU server? if yes, could you please provide me the new/updated links? if not, are there any way to download those data sets? please advise me. BR, Gyeongil
  7. Dear Cindy, Have you tried downloading the latest available version of the software? If the issue persists, you might consider confidentially sharing your project with WAsP Support. This would help determine whether the problem originates from the project itself or is related to another issue. Thanks and best regards, Joan
  8. Earlier
  9. so i will run my modeling, after i press execute suddenly exit from the software. i do it repeatedly and still the result is like that.
  10. Thanks Rogier, that resolves the issue.
  11. The coordinates from the original WRF projection are already stored in the west_east and south_north coordinates and the spatial reference is already stored in the crs variable. So to make a tif you can do: import xarray as xr ds = xr.open_dataset("mesoscale-ts.nc") ds_proj_mean = ds.WS.mean("time") ds_proj_mean.rename({"crs":"spatial_ref"}).rio.to_raster("ws_150.tif") That opens it in the right place for me: or to get it in 2157: ds_proj_mean = ds.WS.mean("time") ds_proj_mean = ds_proj_mean.rename({"crs":"spatial_ref"}).drop_vars(["XLAT","XLON"]).rio.reproject("EPSG:2157") ds_proj_mean.rio.to_raster("ws_150_2157.tif")
  12. I am new to working with .nc files. I want to calculate the annual electricity production (AEP) for offshore wind turbines around Ireland based on the spatially resolved wind speed time series data from the New European Wind Atlas. However, I encounter the problem that my resulting AEP is not located correctly after I imported it into QGIS for post-processing. Here are my working steps without aiming for a correct projection and placement : 1. I download the wind data for each month in 2018 (here displayed the URLs for January and December 2018): https://wps.neweuropeanwindatlas.eu/api/mesoscale-ts/v1/get-data-bbox?southBoundLatitude=50.5&northBoundLatitude=56.1&westBoundLongitude=-11.6&eastBoundLongitude=-5.2&height=150&variable=WS&dt_start=2018-01-01T00:00:00&dt_stop=2018-01-31T23:59:59 ... https://wps.neweuropeanwindatlas.eu/api/mesoscale-ts/v1/get-data-bbox?southBoundLatitude=50.5&northBoundLatitude=56.1&westBoundLongitude=-11.6&eastBoundLongitude=-5.2&height=150&variable=WS&dt_start=2018-12-01T00:00:00&dt_stop=2018-12-31T23:59:59 2. I utilize a Python script with xarray to calculate the AEP with the power curve of a reference turbine: # Imports import xarray as xr import numpy as np import windkit as wk import rasterio import pandas as pd from rasterio.transform import from_origin # Constants rho_air = 1.215 # kg/m³ D_r = 240 # Rotor diameter in meters P_r = 15e6 # Rated power in Watts v_cut_in = 3.0 # m/s v_cut_out = 25.0 # m/s v_rated = 10.59 # m/s A = np.pi * (D_r / 2) ** 2 # m² # Input # Loop through each month's wind speed data files for month in range(1, 13): file_path = f"R:\...\Wind speed time series\\mesoscale-ts-2018-{month:02d}.nc" print(f"Loading wind speed dataset for month {month}...") data = xr.open_dataset(file_path) # Einlesen der Daten als xarray.Dataset print(f"Dataset for month {month} loaded successfully.") # Resample the data to hourly mean data = data.resample(time='h').mean() # Load power curve power_curve_path = r"R:\...\Reference_turbine_2032.csv" print("Loading power curve...") power_curve = pd.read_csv(power_curve_path) print("Power curve loaded successfully.") # Interpolate C_p for the wind speeds wind_speeds = power_curve['Wind [m/s]'].values C_p_values = power_curve['Power Coefficient C_p [-]'].values # Interpolate C_p for each time step and location C_p_interpolated = np.interp(data['WS'].values.flatten(), wind_speeds, C_p_values, left=0, right=0) C_p_interpolated = xr.DataArray(C_p_interpolated.reshape(data['WS'].shape), dims=data['WS'].dims, coords=data['WS'].coords) # Calculate the power output based on wind speed conditions data_cond_1 = xr.where((data['WS'] >= v_cut_in) & (data['WS'] < v_rated), 0.5 * rho_air * A * C_p_interpolated * data['WS']**3, 0) data_cond_2 = xr.where((data['WS'] >= v_rated) & (data['WS'] < v_cut_out), P_r, 0) # Total monthly energy production (MEP) for the month MEP_month = data_cond_1 + data_cond_2 # Save the monthly MEP as a separate variable globals()[f'MEP_{month:02d}'] = MEP_month print(f"Monthly electricity production for month {month} calculated.") # Sum the MEPs over time to get total monthly production MEP_01_total = MEP_01.sum(dim='time') MEP_02_total = MEP_02.sum(dim='time') MEP_03_total = MEP_03.sum(dim='time') MEP_04_total = MEP_04.sum(dim='time') MEP_05_total = MEP_05.sum(dim='time') MEP_06_total = MEP_06.sum(dim='time') MEP_07_total = MEP_07.sum(dim='time') MEP_08_total = MEP_08.sum(dim='time') MEP_09_total = MEP_09.sum(dim='time') MEP_10_total = MEP_10.sum(dim='time') MEP_11_total = MEP_11.sum(dim='time') MEP_12_total = MEP_12.sum(dim='time') # Calculate AEP without losses AEP_total = (MEP_01_total + MEP_02_total + MEP_03_total + MEP_04_total + MEP_05_total + MEP_06_total + MEP_07_total + MEP_08_total + MEP_09_total + MEP_10_total + MEP_11_total + MEP_12_total) / (10**9) 3. I save the AEP as a geotiff: # Define output file path output_file_path = r"R:\...\AEP_total.tif" # Extract coordinates and pixel size lon = data['XLON'].values # Assuming XLON is the longitude coordinate lat = data['XLAT'].values # Assuming XLAT is the latitude coordinate west = lon.min() # Minimum longitude east = lon.max() # Maximum longitude north = lat.max() # Maximum latitude south = lat.min() # Minimum latitude # Calculate pixel size based on the shape of the data pixel_size_x = (east - west) / data.sizes['west_east'] pixel_size_y = (north - south) / data.sizes['south_north'] # Get the transform for the output raster transform = from_origin(west, north, pixel_size_x, pixel_size_y) # Squeeze AEP_total to remove extra dimensions AEP_total_squeezed = AEP_total.squeeze() # Save the AEP_total as a GeoTIFF with rasterio.open( output_file_path, 'w', driver='GTiff', height=AEP_total_squeezed.shape[0], width=AEP_total_squeezed.shape[1], count=1, dtype=AEP_total_squeezed.dtype, crs='EPSG:4326', # Set the CRS based on your requirements transform=transform ) as dst: dst.write(AEP_total_squeezed.values, 1) print(f"AEP_total saved to {output_file_path}.") 4. Import the .tif file into QGIS. Overall i tried several ways to get a correct projection, placement and size of my output data. In the end I need the AEP within EPSG:2157 for post-processing. For example I tired utilizing the windkit package, as well as warping the AEP file with gdal. However, I was not able to come up with a solution. The output was either located somewhere else in QGIS or was rotated and bigger. Where in my working process is the correct place to interfere and ensure that the data is processed in the correct way. Thanks a lot and best regards Lucas
  13. You're right, thank you!
  14. Hi Lidia, All GWA/WAsP servers were impacted by a major IT issue at DTU. They should now all be working again. Regards
  15. Hi, 1) The new IBZ can also deal with displacement heights in case of forests. It is probably most easy to understand the differences from Fig 1 and 2 in this paper: https://wes.copernicus.org/articles/6/1379/2021/. If you are not using displacement heights the results should be nearly identical, although the new routines also solves some problems with the old routines where "dead pixels" were occurring in the resource grid in some rare cases. You can how to use it here: https://panopto.dtu.dk/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=0394a399-d5c2-4a71-9954-b0d800dbcb7f 2) Yes you can also right click on the GWC now, because that was a more logical place to edit this. You will have to recalculate the GWC after you have changed the heights, because the results will be different. 3) Yes the T* model uses modelled stability parameters from ERA5 to get a overview of sectorwise stability based on the location of the site. It will lookup the nearest ERA5 grid point and retrieve the related stability and boundary layer height. This approach was validated to be better then the old method, see here: https://www.wasp.dk/news/nyhed?id=ea5c4c79-c096-4cc4-a771-ad5314b837ef https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10546-023-00803-3 4) Yes these changes are described here: https://www.wasp.dk/news/nyhed?id=662f23ca-b559-418a-8879-e6b281b7a31f Regards
  16. Dear WAsP team, I just started working with a freshly-installed WAsP 12.9 after many years with WAsP 11. I was surprised to find quite a few changes, the following seem to be the main ones as far as I am concerned. Could you please provide more details? I could not find much documentation, other than a short description in the release notes. 1. Legacy vs. "new" IBZ - meaning and significance? 2. Possibility of editing default wind atlas structure now both in project and GWC (and seems they do not synchronize with each other in either direction?). Could you please explain the behavior of this setting. Also, is it still the standard recommendation to modify the heights and roughness values to match the main project specific values? 3. New stability model T* + properties are now filled in the GWC stability tab, for both the legacy and the new model. Could you please explain about the T* model, and perhaps provide some references? 4. Geostrophic shear tab - could you please provide some more details on that. Does turning it off mean falling back on the legacy WAsP model? Thanks, Reuven
  17. The services should be back online now. Sorry for the long outage. We have put some new processes in place to prevent the same situation from occuring.
  18. Hi Rogier, It is great that the solution worked properly. Thank you
  19. Hello WAsP Team and Members, I am facing with the error as follow and I cannot get any information from CORINE. Does anyone know about the issue an possible solution. Many thanks in advance. * Host Name Mismatch: The host name did not match any of the valid hosts for this certificate * Unable to Get Local Issuer Certificate: The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found * Unable to Verify First Certificate: No certificates could be verified
  20. Hi! I've been trying to create a roughness map using the WAsP scripting plug-in for QGIS (it used to work perfectly) and I keep getting this error message when getting the CORINE landcover polygons: Querying the URL 'https://api.globalwindatlas.info/qgis-data/v1/corine_2018?points_str=-4.915092816615868,42.65048975312536;-4.914362396203785,42.64997445201428;-4.901231231263719,42.21718162357918;-4.90192475126123,42.21664257303623;-5.48401315512234,42.20550918092915;-5.4847427626322895,42.206020900137226;-5.501895032585442,42.638644324206716;-5.50120232641207,42.63918695661474;-4.915092816615868,42.65048975312536' did not return a valid GeoJSON object! I think it's related to the API but I've no idea how to fix it. Any suggestions, please? Thank you in advance, Lidia:)
  21. The standard way to generate an observed mean wind climate file is to use the WAsP Climate Analyst tool. By default, this program will export to the OMWC file format, but you can also select the old TAB file format. To write a TAB file without the Climate Analyst, you will need to check the format in the WAsP help file section Technical reference>WAsP file formats>Observed wind climate>Observed wind climate (*.tab)
  22. Hi, The GWA and NEWA servers are currently down due to a file system issue. Our team is working diligently to resolve this and restore service as soon as possible. Unfortunately, we don’t have any updates at the moment. Please refer to our webpage for the latest information, as we are currently handling a high volume of inquiries. Alternatively, you can download GIS data from the following sources: https://globalwindatlas.info/en/download/gis-files https://data.dtu.dk/articles/dataset/Global_Wind_Atlas_v3/9420803 Thank you for your patience. Best regards, Joan
  23. I have been trying to download micro and meso data from the API, but it hasn't been working since Thursday. Do you know what the issue might be?
  24. AMSA

    .lib to .tab

    that's helpful, however, i would like to know how to properally format data from vortex to match the .tab observed wind data on WaSP as it keeps showing error when i insert the file
  25. hi this is my firs time working with WaSp, I am trying to insert data from vortex which i chnaged from .txt to .tab but there might a problem with the formatting file that I am not aware of as the doftware keeps showing error in line #3 which is the line for the number of sector rose. i put it as 12 Location: 5000 11400 Height: 80.0 12 6 0 2 4 6 8 10 15 regards
  26. Dear Yasir, Could you please provide us with more details about your project and share the project file? This will help us assist you more effectively. Looking forward to your response. Best regards, Joan
  27. Here’s your question, rewritten in a clear and professional manner for posting in the WAsP forum: Hello, I am new to WAsP and currently following the step-by-step Serra Santa Luzia tutorial provided in the help section. While I have been able to follow the instructions successfully so far, I am encountering an issue when reaching the step for "adding a site description." The software does not automatically read the location as described in the tutorial. Additionally, the symbol for my Generalized Wind Climate (GWC) in the hierarchy list is represented in red instead of yellow (as shown in the tutorial). I suspect this might be related to either the GWC or the map file, but I am not sure how to resolve it. I would greatly appreciate any guidance on what might be causing this issue and how to fix it. Thank you in advance for your help!
  28. Dear Petar, Could you kindly submit your inquiry through DTU Learn? Thank you. Best regards, Joan
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