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WCA Errors & Objects in Maps

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I am working on WCA. Some of the files are said to be not importable. I thoroughly checked my files and they are not any different from other year data files. Yet, some years are not importable. Is there anyway we could solve it.

Some files are not loading at all. It gives some error and WCA crashes. May I know what would be the reason for such errors?

Also if I get OWC files. Can I import them into WAsP 11 and do regular simulations?
Is there anyway we could get the object detail from Google Earth. I tried so many times but the KMZ files are not loading into WAsP.

I am so sorry for asking so many questions in a thread.

Desperately need some explanations.

Thank you very much.
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  • 1 month later...
BTW, what does the dotted lines and normal lines mean in top most results in Climatological Fingerprint. One is a monthly analysis and the other one is hourly one. The only issue is, I am not sure about the lines. One line is marked as x1 and the other one is marked as x25.

Thank you.
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European Wind Atlas explains:
The average seasonal variation of the measured wind speed (full line) and cube of wind speed (dashed line) is shown in the top left graph. All data associated with the same calendar month are averaged and the results plotted at the midpoint in each of the indicated monthly intervals. The unit on the ordinate is ms-1 for mean speeds and m3s-3 for the mean of the cube of the wind speed.

Values read from the graph must be multiplied by the scale factor (x1 or x25) given to the right. The continuous curves are obtained by interpolation using a periodic cubic spline. The speed data are also contained in the tables on the station description pages.

Full explanations in the European Wind Atlas which you can download from the WAsP home page, see http://www.wasp.dk/News/Nyhed?id=f999e21a-4243-428c-a878-f2268113221c. Download is free of charge :-)

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  • 3 weeks later...

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